Saturday, July 29, 2017

Clever Facebook Status

Clever Facebook Status 
We have collected most of the Status in English for WhatsApp, Websites and Facebook. I hope you like it. This collection is dedicated to all Facebook Visitor
  • I stepped on a cornflake today! So I am a cereal killer now…

  • People might say your not normal but if you ask me normal isn’t that much fun. being yourself and being abnormal is Awesome, don’t change who you really are..

  • Ray says crazy is good, crazy is free, crazy is me..

  • There is a thin line between insanity and genius. I, myself, am in the middle, and quite frankly, I enjoy every second of it.

  • You are gonna need therapy after you meet me..

  • Hanry says my mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely..

  • Crazy people love crazy people cuz normal people don’t understand..

  • I used to have an imaginary friend. Then he had an imaginary accident.

  • Why does Facebook want to know what I am thinking? Do they not realize that is classified and somewhat scary information??

  • Shany has lost her mind, if found, please handle with care it may blow at any time. I apologize for the inconvenience,but could you return it anyway.

  • I want a real relationship, not a facebook one..

  • I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally….

  • Relationships are a lot like yard sales, they look really fun from a couple hundred feet away, but then you realize it’s just a bunch of crap you don’t need.

  • Either you control your attitude or it controls you..

  • LIFE is a given. LIVING is optional. Don`t be a passenger when YOU are already the CAPTAIN.

  • People are gonna hurt you, but its your decision who gets a second chance.

  • I don’t like to think myself as ‘Special’ I like to think myself as limited edition.

  • Can you stop being so attractive? I`m trying to move on here..

  • The true beauty of a woman is her ability to make a man better in every way.

  • You can’t make the same mistake twice. The second time you make it, it’s no longer a mistake, it’s a choice.

  • Genius by birth evil by nature human by chance..

  • I won’t try to be awesome, awesome tries to be me.

  • I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what i am saying.

  • I never look for trouble, it just always seems to find me.

  • My mind tells me to give up, my heart won’t let me.

  • You can’t handle my undivided attention.

  • would like to remind you that amateurs built the ark professionals built the Titanic

  • like this if you like to like things

  • If somebody really cares about you they will never put you on the back burner.

  • My heart is in the right place, I know, because I hid it there.

  • You don’t have to watch what you say if you watch what you think.

  • If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them.

  • Problem of solving a problem is not a problem, but when a problem solves a problem without any problem then the problem is not at all a problem. Any problem?

  • When you meet me, you think I am quiet. Then you get to know me and just wish I was quiet.

  • Sometimes even I’M afraid of the things my mind comes up with.

  • People wear masks to see who cares enough to see through it. I built a wall around me to see who would be brave enough to climb it.

  • If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you dont, you’ll find an excuse.

  • It’s funny how many lies can be packed in one LOVE LETTER.

  • Girls are like parking spaces, all the good ones are taken.

  • I lost my teddy bear. Can i sleep with you?

  • Whhat if life come with a ◄◄ REW ► PLAY ▌▌PAUSE █▌STOP

  • You know sweety, my lips won’t just kiss themselves. Please help.

  • It’s not cheating unless you get caught.

  • I was blinded by your beauty so I’m going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.

  • I’ve noticed you noticing me and I’m just giving you notice that I’ve noticed you!

  • Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember.

  • No matter where I am, no matter where you are, I’ll be there when its over baby. Cause I was there from the start.

  • The whole world is great! That is…until you wake up.

  • When your enemies are making mistakes, don’t interrupt them.

  • No matter how long we have traveled on the wrong road, we can always turn around.

  • Wonders, do you do anything on your own or does everyone else think and make your decisions for you?

  • Everybody is beautiful to somebody.

  • Warning, it’s not safe to talk to me at the moment..

  • Sometimes the best revenge is moving forward and being happy despite the people that try to drag you down.

  • Don’t worry about tomorrow you did that yesterday.

  • My life is open book but i don’t allow everyone to read it.

  • If you are going to speak bad things about me on my back, come to me. I’ll tell you more.

  • There is something wrong with my phone. Any GIRL call it for me to see if it rings?

  • I’m not actually this tall. I am sitting on my wallet.

  • History is made by those who BREAK THE RULES.

  • Sometimes people try way so hard to sound clever on Facebook.

  • A man likes his wife to be just clever enough to appreciate his cleverness and just stupid enough to admire it.

  • Why do people with closed minds always open their mouths?

  • Never run after a bus or a girl. There will always be another one.

  • We will flip a coin to determine our future. Head, we will be together. Tail, we will flip again.

  • Happy on the outside, but simply dieing on the inside.

  • I am not scared of dying, I just don’t want to!

  • Try and fail, but don’t fail to try.

  • People need to lose the attitudes today b’coz I am NOT in the mood.

  • Its not illegal unless you get caught.

  • BUT is just a word you use when you’re afraid to try.

  • Two things only a man cannot hide, that he is drunk and that he is in love.

  • When your ex says you’ll never find anyone like me reply that’s the point.

  • What you see on the outside is usually the opposite of what’s on the inside.

  • You are not born a winner; you are not born a loser. You are born a chooser.

  • Everything is getting more expensive. Except for people, they are getting cheaper.

  • Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.

  • My first name and your last name would sound great together.

  • Not all man are fools, some stay bachelors.

  • Can you see yourself the way others see you?

  • Sometimes its better to keep silent than to tell others what you feel.

  • Be Brave” Even if you are not pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.

  • I don’t trust anyone. Even the Devil was once an Angel.

  • My attitude is based on how you treat me!

  • When you miss someone, you keep checking their profile.

  • Any one need relationship advice? Message me and i’ll be here for anyone :)

  • If they can’t do their part, they don’t deserve your heart.

  • There is something wrong with my cell phone. It does not have your number in it.

  • Hi – Im the girl of your dreams. Someone said you were looking for me.


  • IMMATURE: A word boring people use to describe fun people.

  • If nothing lasts forever, I was wondering if you might wanna be my nothing?

  • I’m jealous of my parents. I will never have a son so cute as they have.

  • Never trust a person with one only facebook picture.

  • Did anyone else notice the sound if you click the like button on my status?

  • If all men are the same, why do women take so long to choose one?

  • GIRL: Describe me in 1 word. —- BOY: Mine ;)

  • Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you can’t laugh at yourself, call me … I’ll

  • Cheating is easy …. try something more challenging … like being faithful.

  • People wanna see you doing well but not better than them :)

  • When I close my eyes, I see you …. when I open my eyes, I miss you.

  • My Girl = My Life …. Touch Her = Your Last Day On Earth.

  • You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

  • No matter how full my wardrobe is, I never seem to find anything to wear.

  • Sometimes no matter how much you want things to happen, all you can do is wait.

  • We should love, not fall in love. B’coz everything that falls, gets broken.

  • For all of you who gossip about me: Thanks for making me the center of your world.

  • I am SINGLE because I haven’t found someone who deserves ME.

  • If nobody hates you, you are doing something boring.

  • If you expect the world to be fair with you b’coz you are fair with them. It’s like expecting a lion not to eat you b’coz you don’t eat lion.

  • ME without you is like: Facebook without friends, Youtube without videos and Google with no results.

  • I feel like a Indiana Jones, b’coz you are the treasure I am looking for.

  • Facebook: where stalking people is OK.

  • I am the type of person who wants to get good grades but doesn’t want to study :)

  • I might as well call you Google, because you have everything that I am looking for.

  • Laziness is the mother of all bad habbits but ultimately she is a MOTHER and we should respect her.

  • Thanks to all those who ask the awkward questions on yahoo answers so that we don’t have to.

  • Laziness is the mother of all bad habbits but ultimately she is a MOTHER and we should respect her.

  • I wish I could google the things I have misplaced.

  • I need a lifetime lover, not a night time lover.

  • ADMIT IT: Life would be so boring without me.

  • Lets learn to ignore selfish people just like the way we ignore Terms & conditions of any software.

  • An empty web browsing history is a sure sign of pure guilt. ;)

  • About 90% of the high scores in mobile games are made either in the toilet or in a lecture or while preparing for exams.

  • You want to come in my life, the door is open. You want to get out of my life, the door is open. Just one request. Don’t stand at the door, you are blocking the traffic.

  • If APPLE made a car, would it have windows?

  • Hearts know things that the eyes don’t see and feels things that the mind cannot understand.

  • Never be fooled by what you see on the outside, b’coz on the inside it’s often a different story.

  • You see a person’s true colors when you are no longer beneficial to their life.

  • Plese don’t talk to me, I get attached too easily.

  • LOVE is when I can’t pay attention in class because Im too busy writing her first name with my last name.

  • Finding friends with the same mental disorder as you …….. Priceless :)

  • Money can’t buy friends but you can get a better class of enemy.

  • The only math I can remember is that …. You + Me = Forever

  • I wish my phone never ran out of battery, my fridge never ran out of food and my wallet never ran out of money.

  • STUDY? The act of texting, eating and watching TV with an open textbook nearby.

  • A strong person is not the one who doesn’t cry. A strong person is one who is quiet and sheds tears for a moment, and then picks up her sword and fights again..

  • You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.

  • I don’t have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination…

  • Dreams is not what you see in sleep is the thing which doesn’t let you sleep..

  • Do IT NOW. Sometimes “Later” Becomes Never.

  • I don’t hate schooI. I just hate the teachers, the homework, the exams and waking up early in the morning.

  • If being hot is a crime …………….. ARREST ME.

  • If you earn your bread well. There will always be people around you to apply butter.

  • I like sleeping because it’s like being dead, without the commitment.

  • Typing a long text to your crush with your true feelings but then erasing it and typing… Yeah. Ever Happened?

  • Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

  • I can drive you crazy without a drivers license.

  • The best nicknames are usually the ones people don’t know they have.

  • The longest five minutes are the last five minutes of a lecture while the shortest five minutes are the last five minutes of an exam.

  • Some people are perfect in being *FAKE* then being *REAL*.

  • Just wondering why brain cells die, skin cells die, your hair follicle die, but fat cells live FOREVER?

  • HUMAN BRAIN: Forgets what we want to remember & remembers what we want to forget.

  • I have to admit, God was just showing off when he created me.

  • Kids born in 2000 never have to worry about forgetting how old they are.

  • Some people might be less attractive but once you get to know them they are hot as hell.

  • A clever, imaginative, humorous request can open closed doors and closed minds.

  • I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.

  • I am still waiting for someone to prove that waiting all this while, is worthwhile.

  • If you can’t convince them, confuse them

  • i am a slow walker but i never walk backwards…

  • Anyone who has never made a mistake his never tired anything new.

  • Sometimes me think what is friend? and then me say, friend is someone to share the last cookie with

  • Kill tension before tension kills you reach your goal before goal kicks you. live life before life leaves you….

  • You are the best thing that’s ever been mine..

  • The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children.

  • When it’s time to let go, don’t doubt or hesitate, Good Bye to good is hello to Great!!!

  • Don’t waste your time with explanations, people only hear what they want to hear!!!!

  • Every guy always asks me: what does he have that i don’t? && i reply: [My Heart]

  • When i ask you to listen a song, it’s because the lyrics mean everything i’m trying to say to you…

  • Never expect things to happen, it’s better to feel surprised than to feel disappointed..

  • Things in motion sooner catch the eye..

  • LIfe based on a big love towards the world is full and rich….

  • you are never too Old to set another goal or to dream a new dream…

  • Treat me like a queen and i’ll treat you like a king. But If you treat me like a game, i’ll show you how its played.

  • Take your chances to make all of your dreams come true. Never wait too long or else it could all slip away in a blink of an eye.

  • Boundaries Are Necessary So That You Can Protect Yourself, Because Once You’re Broken, You’ll Never Be Fully Fixed.

  • Some people are just like some schools during summer, they have, NO CLASS.

  • My wife says I talk while I sleep. But I’m skeptical. Nobody at work has ever mentioned it.

  • Marriage is a sort of friendship recognized by the police.

  • People say that love is in every corner……gosh! maybe i’m moving in circles..

  • I want a real relationship, not a facebook one..

  • One day someone is going to hug you so tight. That all of your broken pieces will stick back together…

  • A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talk to each other instead of about each other…

  • I don’t have time to hate people, who hate me. because i’m too buys in lving people who love me.

  • Dear math, I’m tired finding your “X” DUDE she is gone, Please Move on Bro. !

  • Be a good person, But Don’t Try To Prove.

  • Just because I moved on doesn’t mean I won’t be here if you change your mind. You always have special place in my heart.

  • i dont care if you talk about me behind my back because good or bad, my name is still in your mouth ;-)

  • Any one need relationship advice? Message me and i’ll be here for anyone :)

  • Goodbye Past. You Made Me Cry, Made Me Laugh But Its Time To Move On.

  • My silence doesn’t mean that I quit… It simply means that I don’t want to argue with people who just don’t want to understand!!!

  • People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.

  • Good girls are found on every corner of the earth but unfortunately the earth is round.

  • Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them.

  • I don’t have a dirty mind, i have a sexy imagination..

  • o one is perfect that is why understanding is so important…

  • Be someone else’s sunshine. Be the reason someone smiles today….

  • Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself – your strengths and your limitations in contrast to depending on affirmaion from others..

  • Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up.

  • Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.

  • A train station is where the train stops. A bus station is where the bus stops. On my desk, I have a work station…

  • Failure is simply and opprotunity to begin again, this time more intelligently..

  • The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.

  • Just keep moving forward and don’t give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you..

  • The worst decision you can make is simply no decision at all..

  • Stay positive some of your best days haven’t happened yet :)

  • Knowledge is having the right answer. intelligence is asking the right question…

  • The fears we don’t face become our limits..

  • Life is better when you’re laughing…

  • Do not expect this to be easy you have to work for the best things in life..

  • If you can’t convince them, Confuse them.

  • That awesome moment when you prove an overconfident bastard wrong..!! ;)

  • I want a real relationship, not a facebook one..

  • Joy can be real only if people look upon their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness. ♥♥

  • I don’t follow Rules,i make them for Me!!

  • My boss said “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Now I’m sitting in a disciplinary meeting dressed as Batman.

  • I have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. I’m also deaf in one ear.

  • I’m paying my taxes with a smile, but they wrote me back saying they want cash.

  • Sometimes it’s better to be alone so that nobody hurts you.

  • When you have a good imagination, you can make up all the facts you want!

  • Alarm clocks should come with sounds like “tiny doll feet scampering into the closet” because I am not hitting snooze when I hear that.

  • Hell is a never-ending Instagram account of a girl who just got a new boyfriend.

  • I’m a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I’m perfect.

  • If she’s not there when you go to bed, then use your every waking second to write her a love letter to bring her back beside you..

  • Speak only when you feel that your words are better that your silence..

  • when love is real, it doesn’t lie, cheat, pretend, hurt you or make you feel unwanted. It’s supposed to be a cure to all your worries.

  • I am not the moon orbiting around your planet; I am the sun that will burn through your frozen mind.

  • I always listen to people when they’re angry cause that’s when the truth comes out.

  • When wrong people leave your life, the right things start happening…

  • Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems.

  • Walking is men best medicine…

  • Never hate people who are jealous of you but respect their jealousy because they are the one who think that you are better than them…..

  • Don’t give up the beginning is always hardest..

  • A real relaionship has fights, trust, faith, tears, pain, arguments , patience, secrets, jealousy and love…

  • Cute lines by a girl who fell in love: “He stole my heart & I’m planning to take a revenge… I’m going to steal his last name…!!!

  • I can’t be friends with sensitive ass people, I joke around way too much.

  • Everyone is looking for a strong person, nobody needs a clever one.

  • Don’t think about tomorrow, Think about the now!

  • I can make your gf scream louder than you can.

  • I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry.

  • If being #Hot is a #Crime = ARREST ME!

  • You remind me of my Chinese friend…Ug Lee

  • I know it’s not big and it’s not clever but F..bad.. me it’s funny!

  • No I didnt trip The floor looked like it needed a hug

  • My Friend ask me, How is your life? I said she is fine.

  • You can kill your attraction to anyone by watching them chew.

  • If nobody love you, then you are doing something wrong..!

  • Confession is good for the soul, but bad for your career.

  • I am not failed, Because my success is lost.!

  • Warning, its not safe to talk to me at the moment..

  • Types something clever to get people to like my status :)

  • Love doesn’t show up on an X-ray… but it’s there.

  • Rules are made to the break!

  • All man are not fools, some stay bachelors.!

  • Relationships are like yard sales, are great fun few hundred feet away, but realize that it is just a bunch of junk that is not necessary.

Anniversary Facebook Status

Anniversary Facebook Status

We have collected most of the Status in English for WhatsApp, Websites and Facebook. I hope you like it. This collection is dedicated to all Facebook Visitor

  • There is no feeling more comforting and consoling than knowing you are right next to the one you love.

  • Love is the same for a poor man, and a king.

  • If you are really lucky, you will find one person who will walk through life with you no matter what.

  • 18 years ago today I walked down the aisle and promised to love honor and cherish my lover and best friend, it is a decision I have NEVER regretted!

  • Happy Anniversary to my loving hubby. Thank you for the last 11 yrs. and many more yrs. to come. Thank you for making me the happiest woman. I love you always.

  • Our anniversary is a time to look back at the good times and a time to look ahead to live our dreams together.

  • 1 year down & forever to go, Happy Anniversary.

  • From the first time we met, I knew we were meant to be together. God put us together and that way it will stay, Happy Anniversary honey. I love you forever.

  • Happy Anniversary to the one I’ll always want, even when I’m too old to remember what I’m supposed to want you for.

  • As the end of today approaches, and the beginning of tomorrow nears, Bow your heads and pray, for all who shed those tears.

  • Anniversary is repetition of promises made with each other, love gets stronger.

  • Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.

  • Each moment of a happy lover’s hour is worth an age of dull and common life.

  • Love begins in a moment, grows over time, and lasts for eternity.

  • It doesn’t matter where you go in life, what you do, it’s who you have beside you.

  • True love isn’t love at first sight but love at every sight.

  • A successful married life requires falling in love many times, but always with the same person.

  • I only want to be with you twice…now, and forever.

  • Love is the best refreshment in life.

  • Are we not like two volumes of single book?

  • The world has grown suspicious of anything that looks like a happily married life.

  • Two Keys to a lasting marriage “Respect and Communication”..

  • A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. Happy Anniversary

  • Marriage is like a dollar bill. You can’t spend half of it when you tear it in two. The value of one half depends upon the other. Happy Anniversary

  • I want to wish an anniversary day to a couple who is beautiful in entire land. May your anniversary enhance your love and understanding.

  • May this day of your anniversary make your relation stronger and lovelier. Wish you a happy anniversary.

  • Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking.

  • To the beautiful couple on this land, May your anniversary be Happy and Grand. Happy Anniversary

  • Anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow.

  • Anniversary means another way of togetherness and love for the memory books.

  • For all this time I have been putting this puzzles of my life, then I realized, the last piece is you.

  • Marriage is like a pack of cards. In the beginning it was hearts and a diamond, now all I’m wanting in my hand is a club and a spade.

  • There`s always that one person who`d do anything for you. that`s the one you should marry.

  • Love is there when both person are more concerned for the other than for one’s self

  • I think Love is the best refreshment in life.

  • A successful married always life requires falling in love many times, but always with the same person

  • From the first time we met I knew we were meant to be together God put us together and that way it “ill stay Happy Anniversary honey

  • It doesn’t matter where you go in life, what you do, it’s who you have beside you. I am truly blessed to be married to my soul mate for years today..

  • Happy Anniversary to the most amazing man I’ve ever known! Thank you for loving me, for me. I love you.

  • The first time I looked in your eyes I knew that I would do anything for you, The first time you touched my face, I felt what I never felt with anyone else.

  • On this our anniversary, we may not have wealth, but we do have each other and that is worth more than anything in the world.

  • I Cannot begin to imagine a life with out you in it. For the memories that we have created together could never compare to the touch that we share.

  • Marriage is like a pack of cards. In the beginning it was hearts and a diamond, now all I’m wanting in my hand is a club and a spade.

  • Anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow.

  • If you are really lucky, you will find one person who will walk through life with you no matter what.

  • I only want to be with you twice…now, and forever.

  • True love isn’t love at first sight but love at every sight. Happy Anniversary!!

  • No man or woman really knows that perfect love is until they have been marrie for quarter of a century..

  • Marriage is like a dollar bill. you can’t spent half of it when you tear it in two. The value of one half depends upon the other.. Happy Anniversaryyy…

  • To the couple most beautifu in heart as well as in soul; May you achieve peace and happiness and meet your goals! Happy Wedding Anniversary!!!!

  • I am wishing for this to the best couple of the country that in NEAR Future You Shall Be Regarded As The Best In The World!!!

  • You are still same new and fresh to me as you were __ _th years ago. Happy anniversary my dear!!!

  • Marriage is like a pack of cards. In the beginning it was hearts and a diamond, now all I’m wanting in my hand is a club and a spade…

  • Our anniversary is a time to look back at the good times and a time to look ahead to live our dreams together…..

  • Happy Anniversary to my loving hubby. Thank you for the last 11 yrs. and many more yrs. to come. Thank you for making me the happiest woman. I love you always….

  • It doesn’t matter where you go in life, what you do, it’s who you have beside you. I am truly blessed to be married to my soul mate for years today..!!

  • Happy Anniversary to my loving hubby. Thank you for the last 11 yrs. and many more yrs. to come. Thank you for making me the happiest woman. I love you always….

  • On this our anniversary, we may not have wealth, but we do have each other and that is worth more than anything in the world…

  • From the first time we met I knew we were meant to be together God put us together and that way it will stay Happy Anniversary honey!!!!

  • On this special day, best wishes go to you that the wonderful love you share, lasts your lifetime through. Happy Anniversary

  • Best wishes to you both on your anniversary, May the love that you share last your lifetime. Happy Wedding Anniversary

  • Happy Anniversary sweet heart. Words are not enough to say everything. I love you. Together we stand.

  • The very first moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew our hearts were meant to be. You are my Courage, my Angel… You are My Soldier. You Saved Me. I love you.

  • My love for you could not possibly get any bigger for it is endless and timeless. You have given me a new life, naming me The Rarest Beauty. I am in your debt, and I will always be your Queen. I Love You.

  • To the Î’est couple I know Ι’m wishing you all the Î’est And love each Οther to the fullest Ηappy Anniversary!

  • Sticking tο each other fοr 25 years; Lοving endlessly Αnd cherish each οther. Yοu are great Ρarents. We lοve you! Ηappy Silver Jubilee οf wedding..

  • Lοve is what Îœakes two peοple sit in the Îœiddle of Α bench when there Ιs plenty οf room at Î’oth ends.

  • My days are happier because of you. Knowing I have you to love gives my life greater meaning. Happy Anniversary day my love!

  • You have been the most remarkable wife on earth, more fabulous and stronger than superwoman. And on this special day, I want you to feel and see how a blessed husband I am. I love you sweetheart. Happy anniversary!

  • Each moment of a happy lover’s hour is worth an age of dull and common life”

  • There is no feeling more comforting and consoling than knowing you are right next to the one you love

  • Bliss to fill your souls; Peace to fill your spirits; Joys to fill the home; And love to fill your hearts. I wish all these things for both of you on the auspicious day of starting your married life!

  • We decided to wish you life so full of problems that you can strive against, a lot of difficulties to overcome and satisfaction for years to come.

  • Love is just a word until you find the right person to show it to.

  • Anniversary: A time to celebrate the beauty, the gift, and the blessing of enduring love.

  • A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.

  • Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. Happy annivesary my dear love!

  • Marriage is like a dollar bill. You can’t spend half of it when you tear it in two. The value of one half depends upon the other. Happy Anniversary

  • From the first time we met I knew we were meant to be together God put us together and that way it “ill stay Happy Anniversary honey

  • Another year of ups and downs. Here we are going strong and still so in love. Happy Anniversary my Love. I am so happy to be spending my life with you.

  • May your married life be merry & marvelous & is filled with the magic of love, care, happiness and divinity. Happy Marriage Anniversary…stay tuned together

  • Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking.

  • t is good to see you walk peacefully and strongly on the road of love.I wish this will stay forever.Happy Anniversary.

  • When yοu smile Εverything seems Αlright when yοu frown Îœy falter addition Ιt heart of yοu of Ηappy birthday lοve Thanks for Αlways to Τhere .

  • Deep, true love knows no bounds. We wish you not only the best, but admiration for you both. You are extraordinary. Happy Anniversary.

  • May this day of your anniversary make your relation stronger and lovelier.

  • Love is there when both person are more concerned for the other than for one’s selfie.

  • Our Anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow.

  • Our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between Us remains ever strong…

  • Nothing is perfect, but when I’m with you everything is perfect. Happy Anniversary My Love!

  • The heart of marriage is memories; and if the two of you happen to have the same ones and can savor your reruns, then your marriage is a gift from the gods. Bill Cosby

  • Anniversary best wishes to you both on your anniversary, May the love that you share Last your lifetime through, As you make a wonderful couple Happy Wedding.

  • Our anniversary is just a momentary celebration but our marriage is a timeless one.. Happy Anniversary..

  • Anniversary means another way of togetherness and love for the memory books.Top and best collection of statuses

  • Marriage is like a pack of cards. In the beginning it was hearts and a diamond, now all I’m wanting in my hand is a club and a spade.Best Anniversary Statuses

  • Love is there when both person are more concerned for the other than for one’s self. Happy Anniversary Facebook Statuses

  • Yοu are a Ρriceless asset of Îœy entire life. Fοr the years ωe share, we Îœake a wonderful Ρair! To Îœy loving Ηusband, wishing yοu a very Ηappy anniversary!

  • Ι want to say Ιn our wedding Αnniversary that you Αre everything to Îœe without you Ι have nοthing. Ηappy anniversary!

  • When yοu are smiling, Εverything seems Αlright When yοu frown Îœy heart loses Ιt’s cheer Wish yοu a Ηappy Anniversary lοve Thanks for Αlways being Τhere…

  • Since I met you, my life has never been the same. Thanks for making it better and happier. I love you and Happy Anniversary, hubby! I thank God for giving me the best husband! Happy Anniversary!

  • To my honey… To my precious one To my lover To my everything I love you. You know I always do. I’m just happy we’re in this together. Happy anniversary!!

  • Hoping that the love u shared years ago Is still as strong today as it was then Bringing u much joy , love and happiness To celebrate again. Happy Anniversary!!

  • Happy anniversary to a husband who still looks at me the way he looks at other women. ;-)

  • A marriage anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity.

  • I hate u Because I Love you, I Know You Love Me But your ego stopped you.

  • Happy Anniversary & God Bless You!

  • Wishing you a wonderful and long life together on your anniversary.

  • Happy first anniversary to the First Lady of my world. I love you.

  • Two Keys to a lasting marriage “Respect and Communication”.

  • Anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today and yesterday.

  • May your anniversary enhance your love and understanding.

  • All my love for you FREE! wishing u a very happy ANNIVERSARY!

  • The value of one half depends upon the other. Happy Anniversary.

  • You’re my everything, today and always.Happy wedding anniversary.

  • May your anniversary be Happy and Grand. Happy Anniversary!

  • Happy anniversary to a husband who still looks at me the way he looks at other women. ;-)

  • Today marks the anniversary of the day when I lost a piece of my heart…

  • My love for you is like a circle, it has no end..

  • 1 year down and forever to go, Happy Anniversary.

  • There is no feeling more comforting and consoling than knowing you are right next to the person you love.

  • A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity.

  • You two should be proud of yourselves. It’s amazing that us kids haven’t stressed you out to the point of divorce by now! Happy Anniversary!

Angry Facebook Status

Angry Facebook Status
We have collected most of the Status in English for WhatsApp, Websites and Facebook. I hope you like it. This collection is dedicated to all Facebook Visitor
  • Don’t chat with me just when you’re bored. Bitch please! My name is not Adam Lambert. I’m not here for your entertainment.

  • My silence doesn’t mean that I quit… It simply means that I don’t want to argue with people who just don’t want to understand..

  • Never regret something that once made you smile.

  • It’s funny how you can still love a person, but you stop needing them like you used to.

  • Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won’t keep you there.

  • Ive tried and tried and now I give up. I refuse to be the perfect friend to people that cant treat me with the same respect.

  • Knows there’s a name for people like you.

  • If you think your opinion of me has any effect, Honey let me assure you that none of my self worth is wrapped up in what you think of me.

  • Attitude and personality are two different things.

  • No matter how long you know someone, they eventually show their true colors.

  • If you’re going to talk about me behind my back, don’t smile at me to my face.

  • May kill you in the morning?

  • Is getting close to just walking away?

  • Did you ever just want to slap the stupid out of someone?

  • Is singing ‘if you’re angry & you know it punch their face’

  • No matter how long you know someone, they eventually show their true colors.

  • If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

  • I’m the person that the more you complain about me, the harder I’ll try to annoy you.

  • Two things to remember, DON’T make decisions when you’re angry and DON’T make promises when you’re happy..

  • No matter how angry i am at you, and say i am done with you, i really don’t want to lose you.

  • Your mistake is letting me go, my mistake was letting you in.

  • Don’t make promises when you’re happy. Don’t reply when you’re angry. Don’t make decisions when you’re sad. Don’t text when your drunk.

  • While you’re hating your life just because you can’t get what you want, someone is praying to have a life like yours.

  • Telling someone to calm down just makes them so much more angry.

  • Ya know what I hate. Being ignored! If you don’t want to talk to me anymore then just tell me and quit beating around the bush.

  • sometimes hearing the music is just the best way to ignore the world

  • You think that you have damaged me but really you just made me that much more stronger Thank You

  • There are no words to describe the anger and frustration that I am feeling right now.

  • I’m gonna come back as a bird in my next life. There are just some people who I feel deserve a little of their own medicine.

  • When we don’t know who to hate, we hate ourselves.

  • Do you ever get the feeling that you would like to reach out and just choke someone?

  • Attitude and personality are two different things.

  • Beware, I’m not in my greatest mood today..

  • You have a problem with me. I’m pretty sure a status on Facebook won’t fix it..

  • By God, there’s a lot to make you angry.

  • I wouldn’t have to manage my anger if people could learn to manage their stupidity.

  • Anger is a feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.

  • I don’t need to manage my anger, people need to manage their stupidity.

  • I don’t regret my past. I just regret the time I have wasted with the wrong people.

  • You should have two Facebook accounts. One for each face.

  • There is no excuse for cheating in a relationship.

  • I will not delete you or block you. I am keeping you there so you will be able to see how happy I’m without you.

  • I would not have to manage my anger if people would manage their stupidity.

  • Everything is getting expensive except some people, they are getting cheaper.

  • When you stopped believing in me, I did too.

  • Some things can never be forgotten and nor forgiven.

  • The more I get to know guys, the more I like dogs.

  • I just don’t care if anyone doesn’t like me I wasn’t put on earth to entertain everyone.

  • I told you I needed you, you told me the same. I wasn’t lying, so why didn’t you tell the truth?

  • My life, My choices, My problems, My mistakes, My lessons. Not your business, mind your own problems before you talk about mine.

  • Don’t put words into my mouth. I have got plenty to say. Don’t tell me how to live my life, I do things my way.

  • Some people come into our lives & leave footprints on our hearts. Others come into our lives & make us wanna leave footprints on their face.

  • Some friends are like pennies. Two-faced & worthless.

  • You can’t trust anybody these days…you think you have a good friend till you turn around and realize they have the knife 6 inches deep in your back.

  • Don’t make so many promises when you can’t even keep one.

  • They say milk is good for your teeth. You know what else is good for your teeth? Minding your own damn business.

  • Never forget what someone says to you when they are angry, because that’s when the truth comes out.

  • Nobody makes you angry, you decide to use anger as a response.

  • Some people never realise the emotional and mental damage they do to others.

  • It sucks when you realize you rejected other people for that one person who wasted your time.

  • That annoying moment when you show someone a picture on your phone, and they start scrolling through the rest.

  • Some people need to open their small minds instead of their big mouths.

  • What goes around comes around. That’s what people say. So all the pain you caused me will come back to you someday.

  • If I delete your number, you’re basically deleted from my life.

  • Don’t be so happy, I don’t really forgive people, I just pretend like it’s ok and wait for my turn to destroy them.

  • Sometimes one middle finger isn’t enough to let someone know how you feel. That’s why you have two hands.

  • I text you because I want to have a conversation with you. Not to get one word answers.

  • Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose.

  • Go ahead, judge me. Just remember to be perfect for the rest of your life!!

  • Actions speak louder than words, your words don’t mean anything to me when your actions are telling me different.

  • Some people will pretend to care just so they can get a better seat to watch your struggle. Every helping hand is not always there to help.

  • Definition of EX: Thanks for the EXperience. Our time has EXpired. Now EXit my life.

  • Never forget what someone says to you when they are angry, bcoz that’s when the truth comes out.

  • When you are angry, your text speed increases by a ridiculous amount.

  • It takes a lot of energy to get angry. I don’t care to use my energy that way.

  • I have right to my anger and i don’t want anybody telling me i shouldn’t be that it’s not nice to be and that someting’s wrong with me. because i get angry!!

  • It’s better to cry than to be angry because anger hurts others, while tears flow silently through the soul and cleaneses the heart..

  • To be angry is to let others mistakes punish yourself. To forgive others is to be good to yourself.

  • For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

  • When i truly care for someone, their mistakes never change my feelings because its mind that gets angry but heart sill cares.

  • I smile when i ‘m angry, i cheat and i lie. i do what i have to do to get by. But i know what is wrong and i know what is right, And i’d die for the truth in my secret life.

  • Anger makes you smaller, while forgiviness forces you to grow beyond what you were..

  • A person who has lots of anger inside, definitely loves people more than anyone else can. because if red colour indicates anger then it indicates love too”..!!

  • For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

  • Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.

  • Anger is poison. You must purge it from your mind or else it will corrupt your better nature.

  • Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone elsee; you are the one who gets burned.’

  • Never make yourself feel like nothing to make someone else feel like everything..

  • If you’re going to TALK About Me Behind MY Back, Don’t Smile At Me To My Face!!!!

  • I will not delete you or block you. I am keeping you there so you will be able to see how happy I’m without you…

  • Everything is getting expensive except some people, they are getting cheaper…

  • My silence doesn’t mean that I quit… It simply means that I don’t want to argue with people who just don’t want to understand!!!

  • Anger is a feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.

  • For every minute you are angry….. you lose sixty seconds of happiness… Think about It

  • I may look calm, but in my head I’ve killed you about 5 times.

  • If a small thing has the power to make you angry….does that not indicate something about your size.

  • Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

  • i wouldn’t have to manage my anger if idiots would manage their stupidity!!

  • For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness..

  • Angry Getting hurt being ignored loosing my time not using my talents not singing my own song….

  • Never leave with an angry word, it might be the last thing you get to say to that person..

  • Some peoples need to be thanking God that i haven’t bitch slapped them yet..

  • Sometimes i’m not angry, i’m hurt and there’s a big difference..

  • I don’t regret my past i just regret the time i have wasted with the wrong people…

  • you should have two facebook accounts. One For Each Face.

  • The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, The less capable you are of loving in the present..

  • Anger is a deadly thing: it kills the one who angers, as each anger takes something from him.

  • Getting angry is actually punishing yourself with the mistakes of others.

  • Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which ones to surf…

  • If you want to hear the whole truth about yourself, make your neighbour angry.

  • Anger is only one letter short of Danger..

  • Only Two People will tell you the truth about yourself : someone who is angry with you and someone who loves you very much..

  • Anger is our natural deffense against pain. So when i say i hate you, it really means you hurt me.

  • Anger is a killing thing. It kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before. it takes something from him..

  • Sometimes i’m not angry, i’m hurt and there’s a big difference.

  • Don’t force someone to remember you all the time. Just stay silen and let them realize how will tey be without you in their life…

  • Ms_mariane Sometimes you have to walk away from a relationship that does not value your worth.

  • Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

  • Over thinking ruins my mood ..

  • Silence is the best way to react while angry.

  • Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.

  • Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one”

  • Anger is temporary madness.

  • Anger always comes from frustrated expectations.

  • Jealousy releases anger and anger is the greatest and the ultimate enemy that can forever determine your judgement and ultimately withhold your destiny.

  • No matter how justified i was in my anger it never actually changed anything.. This is why i must let it go… Not because i think it is okay, but because i love my self to much to keep holding on..

  • Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

  • Don’t get the impression that you arouse my anger. You see, one can only be angry with those he respects.

  • Anger doesn’t solve anything it bulds nothing, but it can destroy everything..

  • For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

  • People change, things go wrong, shit happens, but life goes on.

  • Sometimes one middle finger isn’t enough to let someone know how you feel. That’s why you have two hands.

  • Beware, I’m not in my greatest mood today.

  • The most painful memory I have is of when I walked away and you let me leave.

  • That awkward moment when nobody likes your Facebook status.

  • When Someone Stops Getting Angry On You, It Is Clear That You Have Lost Your Importance From Their Life…!!!

  • do not be deceived. . .the depth of some friendships are not as deep as you think.

  • Thinks it would be really nice of you to go and sit on a cactus.

  • My biggest regret is trusting people who could never be trusted in the first place! They were the biggest waste of time ever!!

  • is wondering why you bother to lie, when the truth is just as good, and the lie makes me hate you…

  • If you want to hear the whole truth about yourself, make your neighbor angry.

  • so mad their blood is boiling so hot it could make the devil sweat.

  • Just because I’m being quiet, that doesn’t mean I’m mad. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood to talk.

  • says i just miss the way things used to be.

  • I’m not ignoring you, I’m just waiting for you to to realize your mistake and own up to it. If you can’t do that, then there is nothing to say..

  • I can forgive a lot of things…but lies aren’t one of them…so I hope you choke on the lies you told!!

  • Note to self: Every time you were convinced you could not go on, you did.

  • Fall in love not in line.

  • When we don’t know who to hate, we hate ourselves.

  • True friends are like diamond, when you hit them they do not break, they only slip away from your life

  • Don’t disturb me, I am disturbed enough already.

  • My status…depends on your eyes

  • I hate when people look at my phone while I’m typing. It’s not that I have something to hide… It’s just none of their damn business :/

  • Before you go pointing your fingers at someone else, you may want to make sure your own hands are clean..

  • If someone hates you for no reason . Then Give them Reason..

Facebook Friendship Status

  1. I wish I never fell so deep in love with you and now it ain’t no way we can be friends.

  2. Friends are like bras, close to your heart and there for support.

  3. A friend with weed is a friend indeed.

  4. Don`t call yourself my true friend when you`re never there for me and I must always be there for you.

  5. when ur stumbling around, a good friend will tell u that u had enough to drink; a best friend will tell you “B!tch finish your drink, we don’t waste alcohol!”

  6. The one person she wants to talk to is the one person she can’t…

  7. Friendship makes prosperity more brilliant, and lightens adversity by dividing and sharing it.

  8. True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.

  9. A friend is a person who goes around saying nice things about you behind your back.

  10. A true friend thinks you’re a good egg even though you’re slightly cracked.

  11. In life we never lose friend, we only find out who our real ones are.

  12. Friendship is based on trust, without it ; there is nothing.

  13. If Friends are like flowers.. That would explain my pretty bouquet!

  14. Anybody can listen to your problems. A friend will give you advice to try to make you feel better. A best friend will tell you the truth-good, bad, or ugly.

  15. To love is to have someone special one who you can always depend to be there through the years sharing laughter and tears as a partner, a lover, a friend.

  16. Sometimes people build walls not to block others out of their life but to see who cares enough to break through the wall.

  17. True Friends look at you with no judgment in their eyes, they know you’ve made mistakes but they accept you for being human and help you right the wrongs.

  18. Every friendship doesn’t change into love but every love begins with friendship.

  19. Be very careful, a friendship that has lasted for years can be completely changed in an instant & never be the same again.

  20. Just because a friend isn’t blood related, doesn’t mean he can’t be your sister..

  21. When you find yourself wondering if theyere worth it, if they were ever worth it. Remember all of the memories you have with them. It can save you, or break u

  22. It’s funny how some so called friends forget that you exist all of a sudden but think you will be there for them when they need you

  23. every day i put a fake smile on my face thinking today will be the day that every thing will be okay but in the end everything comes crashing down

  24. Thank you so much for being a part of my life. Without you, life wouldn’t be so wonderful.

  25. As a great friend once said, if someone is truly worth having in your life, you will go through anything to keep them there.

  26. Says live your life the way you want to live your life not the way others want you to live your life..

  27. Anger is another way of blaming others for what you know you caused yourself…

  28. Friendship isn’t meant to be a one way street.

  29. Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks.

  30. To like and dislike the same things, that is indeed true friendship.

  31. Hanging with friends and laughing til you cry priceless..

  32. There’s a difference between Friends & best friends. if Ur upset a friend comes and hugs you.A best friend comes with a gun and says, alright who am i shooting?

  33. Sometimes friends can let you down, but once in a while they are the only reason that you are standing up.

  34. No relationship is perfect. You just have to know in your heart of hearts that the person you are with is truly worth fighting for no matter what.

  35. The best relationships start from friendships.

  36. There are big ships and small ships. But the best ship of all is friendship.

  37. Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest it’s about who came, and never left your side.

  38. Be slow to fall in friendship but when you are in, continue firm and constant.

  39. Friends are the most important ingredient in the recipe of LIFE.

  40. Relation of FRIENDSHIP is grater then the relation of BLOOD.

  41. A friend is someone who is there for you when he’d rather be anywhere else.

  42. A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget.

  43. Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship—NEVER

  44. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

  45. What is a friend? It is a person with whom you dare to be yourself.

  46. Friends in your life are like the pillars on your front porch. Sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they lean on you. Sometimes it’s just enough to know they are standing by.

  47. The recipe of friendship: 1 cup of sharing. 2 cups of caring. 3 cups of forgiveness & hugs. Mix all of these together to make friends 4ever.

  48. Don’t make friends before understanding & Don’t break friendship after Misunderstanding!

  49. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow; don’t walk behind me, I may not lead; walk beside me, and just be my friend.

  50. Never fall in love with your best friend because there is no being friends when it doesn’t work out.

  51. True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.

  52. It took days and days for us to become this close and weeks to build the trust but it only took you a second to ruin our friendship.

  53. You’re a perfect example of why friendships don’t last forever.

  54. Careful with your gift choice. Our friendship is on the line.

  55. I’m sending you a smile not because you made my day but because I’m hoping it will make yours a little bit better.

  56. Side by side or miles a part friends are forever lose to your heart!!!

  57. True Friendship comes wehn the silence between tow people is comfortable..

  58. Friendship isn’t about whom you have know he longest.. it’s about who came, and never left your side…

  59. Friendship is not about who you’ve known the longest. it’s about who walked into your life,, said “i’m here for you” and proved it..

  60. Relationships last longer because two people madea choice to keep it, fight for it, and work for it.

  61. A true friend walks in when the whole world walks out!!

  62. Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you”

  63. Being in a relationship is a full-time job, don’t apply if you’re not ready!!!

  64. Sometimes friends can let you down, but once IN A while they ARE The ONLY Reason That You Are Standing Up.

  65. As your best friend, It’s MY Job To Embarrass You :P

  66. Before I Got In Touch With You, I Used To Gaze AT Stars AS They Were Only My Friends. But After I MET You, I Started Believing That Stars DO Fall ON Earth.

  67. Good Friends Are Hard to Find, Difficult to Leave, Impossible to Forget.

  68. Having those weird conversations with your friends and thinking, if anyone heard us right now they’d think we’re crazy.

  69. Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love, is to be just a friend.

  70. Good friends never say Goodbye. They simply say See You Soon.

  71. Friendship is not a big thing …. it’s a million little things.

  72. FRIENDS: they make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter and live a little better than before.

  73. Whether it’s a friendship or relationship, all bonds are built on trust. Without it, you have nothing.

  74. Friendship is not about whom you have known the longest… it’s about who came, and never left your side.

  75. Friendship is not about who you’ve known the longest. It’s about who walked into your life, said I’m here for you and proved it.

  76. Hard times will always reveal the real friends..

  77. You and me make a wonderful WE

  78. when someone needs you im there :) love youu :) bestfrennndd :)

  79. Don’t count how many new friends you can make. Count how many old friends you can keep.

  80. Be very careful, a friendship that has lasted for years can be completely changed in an instant & never be the same again.

  81. Some people don’t know the true meaning of the word “friend”.

  82. Flirtationship: More than a friendship and less than a relationship.

  83. There is only one person you spend your whole life with, and that is yourself. If you aren’t ok with you, there is an issue…

  84. Any person can be nice to your face, but it takes a real friend to be nice behind your back.

  85. Good Friends Are Hard to Find, Difficult to Leave, Impossible to Forget.

  86. The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.

  87. Feeling of love, moment of caring, small small sharing, stupid fights, shulder to cry,and to be together in pain creates a miracle called friendhship..

  88. Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

  89. Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.

  90. Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

  91. There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.

  92. Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.

  93. A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.

  94. Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

  95. People who cheat you in name of love or friends, Don’t deserve Your friendship.

  96. Fake friends are like shadows, always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hours.

  97. A best friend isn’t just someone who’s always there for you. It’s someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself.

  98. I think my favorite feeling is laughing with someone and realizing half way through how much I enjoy them and their presence..

  99. A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

  100. When we first talked to each other I knew we would always be friends. Our friendship has kept on growing And I’ll be here for you to the end.

  101. A friend is one who believes in you when you ceased to believe in yourself.

  102. Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .

  103. Whether its friendship or relationship, all bonds are built on trust. Without it, you have nothing.

  104. True friends are like angels They are precious and rare and false friends are like leaves, found everywhere…

  105. Friendship is not a big thing… it’s a million little things..

  106. A bestfriend is someone you can call anytime… Just to laugh , cry, complein or tell silly stories.. and still listens…

  107. If you have failed in love or don’t have that special “someone” Don’t worry its nothing but your future partner’s prayer to keep you single…

  108. Always listen to your heart… Even thought it is on your left side, It will always be right..

  109. if i have to clean my house before you come over, then we’re not real friends…

  110. YOu make smile like the sun….

  111. If you have good friends, no matter how much life is sucking , they can make you laugh!!

  112. Its not important to have long list of #Friends on #Facebook & #Whatsapp. . . . . But its important to have some friends, who can read your Face as Book and ask Whats up… :)

  113. I can’t be your friend if you can’t handle my weirdness, stupid jokes and my tendency to laugh at almost everything. :)

  114. If your friend doesn’t annoy you at times then it’s not a true friendship. x)

  115. You never really lose anything until you lose your best friend.

  116. A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it’s you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.

  117. It is good to have a best friend in life, Because many times she understands you better than yourself,

  118. If friendship is your weakest point then your the strongest person in the world.

  119. A true friend thinks you’re a good egg even though you’re slightly cracked.

  120. A friend is someone who understand your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are.

  121. As we grow up, we realize it’s less important to have lots of friends, and more important to have true ones.

  122. Friendship doubles your joy and divides your sorrow.

  123. A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. Good And Best Friend Facebook Statuses

  124. My favorite type of people are the relatives who give me bucks when they leave. :D

  125. Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

  126. A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.- Einstein

  127. Friendship is so weird… you just pick a human you’ve met and you’re like “yup I like this one” and you just do stuff with them.

  128. Friendship… is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.

  129. Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies.

  130. It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.

  131. Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

  132. Good Friends Are Hard to Find, Difficult to Leave, Impossible to Forget.

  133. Life is not about who’s real to your face, it’s about who’s real behind your back.

  134. I won’t promise to be your friend forever, because I won’t live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.

  135. When a friend makes some mistake, do not forget all the good things he did for you.

  136. True friendship is never serenc..!

  137. True friendship is like what water is to the fish.

  138. Best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself.

  139. Friends are notes to life’s great songs. A melody that carries you along.

  140. Friends say go do it, best friends say let’s go do it.

  141. Friendship isn’t a big thing — it’s a million little things.

  142. You friendship is priceless & precious to me.

  143. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your hear.

  144. A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.

  145. I’m not alone.I have many friends no matter where they are from!

  146. The best mirror is an old friend.

  147. Looking at your best friend and saying, “I’ll do it if you do it…

  148. Friends are born, not made.

  149. You are really special to me..You are my true friends.

  150. I am so blesses to have a friend like you.

  151. If you never have friends, You never lived life.

  152. A friendship that can end never really began !

  153. A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down

  154. A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when fool everyone.

  155. I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.


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Status #1 Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control. Status #2 What is...